Next to thefamily home, at the center of oursCommunityOfMutual aid
there is itChurch hutwhere at hours1.00pm every Sunday Father Max (Don Massimiliano Caliandro) defends and promotes thepoor prayer of the poor, to survive.
Let's practiceThemutual aidwith thegift. We offer travelers the products of our craftsmanship and simple cuisine
of the Beggar, we take the proceeds to thealtarOfJesusand during Mass we distribute itto the poor and abandoned who live with us.
At Mass We receive offers and gifts and in turnwe donateThesong of the water of the Fountain in the Rock,
we donateTheflight of a hawkduring the Our Father and we give theBreadwithsourdough starterAndFlourof ancient wheat"Mary's mantle"
cooked in wood.
Whena hand asks and oneother than, in that moment, sometimes, we thought we sawJesus.